2023 Tokyo Yushun rankings: Opera singing Derby tune?
Unbeaten Lord Kanaloa colt Bellagio Opera enters the top 18 in our expert panel's Tokyo Yushun Rankings after a strong win in the G2 Spring Stakes at Nakayama.
Unbeaten Lord Kanaloa colt Bellagio Opera enters the top 18 in our expert panel's Tokyo Yushun Rankings after a strong win in the G2 Spring Stakes at Nakayama.
The Hiroyuki Uemura-trained Bellagio Opera has emerged as a G1 Tokyo Yushun contender after coming with a powerful late run to claim the G2 Spring Stakes at Nakayama on March 19.
Unbeaten from his first two starts, Bellagio Opera was kept very safe at 3.7 and ran right up to market expectation, overhauling Rulership colt Ho O Biscuits late to win by just over a length for jockey Takeshi Yokoyama.
The biggest drop in the rankings was experienced by previously 10th-ranked King’s Reign, who just scrapes in at 18 of 18 after failing badly as hot favourite in the G3 Mainichi Hai at Hanshin on March 25.
Elsewhere, Dura Erede did his Tokyo Yushun hopes no harm with a game second in the G2 UAE Derby at Meydan, as winner Derma Sotogake and third-placed Continuar are set in pursuit of Derby riches of a different kind at Kentucky.
1. Dolce More ドルチェモア
2. Sol Oriens ソールオリエンス
3. Phantom Thief ファントムシーフ
4. Hrimfaxi フリームファクシ
5. Dura Erede ドゥラエレーデ ⬆️
6. Tastiera タスティエーラ ⬇️
7. Top Knife トップナイフ
8. Open Fire オープンファイア ⬆️
9. Chance the Roses チャンスザローゼス ⬆️
10. Danon the Tiger ダノンザタイガー ⬇️
11. Bellagio Opera ベラジオオペラ 🚨
12. Meiner Laulea マイネルラウレア ⬆️
13. Danon Touchdown ダノンタッチダウン ⬆️
14. Liberty Island リバティアイランド ⬇️
15. Skilfing スキルヴィング
16. Touch Wood タッチウッド ⬆️
17. One Direct ワンダイレクト 🚨
18. King’s Reign キングズレイン ⬇️
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